Newspapers may not love us, but CERM skin delivers. Image: Louis Natividad

Newspapers might not love us, but CERM Skin delivers

Yeah, this headline might be a bit cheeky, but we at CERM HQ believe we have a brand that stands on its own merits, even if newspapers don’t find us ‘sexy’ enough to excite them.

Let us tell you what is sexy… healthy, happy and good-looking skin. Everyone deserves this, and CERM Skin can help you achieve it.

Launching CERM Skin

Gorgeous product kit – ✅

Killer press release – ✅

PR all lined up – ✅

And out we went into the world.

Cue feedback from our PR company after the campaign: Influencers love our product and are raving about its benefits. Newspapers… not so much. “They don’t find us ‘sexy’ enough to write about.” (Beg pardon?!)

Were we disappointed? Of course. But we realize it’s not really their fault. News outlets are swamped with press releases and new products. They look for the things that shout loudest. And what drives the interest of their readers? The ‘latest, hottest new ingredient’, glitzy packaging, a celebrity hook, or controversy.

What makes us special (at least, we think so!)? 

We’re not going to hop on to the gimmick train. We believe our story and product promise is powerful in answering the needs of our target audience – the youth of today. 

We want no BS and are generally more demanding about quality and efficacy, but don’t always have the budget for premium products. (And just because a product has a premium price tag, doesn’t always mean it’s better, but that’s a story for another time…)

CERM Skin’s pledge to them: 

  • We make products that make skin happy. Honest, hardworking, effective and premium-quality skincare that punches waaaay above its price-point. Sure, we could have used fancier packaging and hiked the price point, but we made a conscious choice to bring you the best product and affordable prices, because everybody deserves healthy, happy skin (did we mention that already?), and we’d love to take you on this lifelong journey. And, yes, some of our ingredients may be trendy, but that’s not the reason we use them. They’re there because they are the best solutions for achieving the results we want.
  • We are committed to empowerment and inclusivity. We celebrate this in our representation and in our formulas. We are here for everyone. 
  • We may not be sexy (well, maybe we’re a little bit sexy), but we take care of the hard work, so you don’t have to worry about your skin. It’s all in our promise: You do you. We do your skin. 

CERM skin range

Our smart, targeted skincare formulations

Youth is a challenging time for skin. In our teens, it can change all the time thanks to our hormone roller coaster. And even once our hormones settle down, the 20s can also bring its own skin challenges – thanks, stress and lifestyle! 

For this reason, we give you different tools –  many different serums plus the cleanser and moisturizer that maximize their benefits – to deal with these changes. 

What separates us from the rest?

Our product formulas combine both sustainable natural and nature-identical ingredients with clean lab ingredients because these combinations deliver the best results. All our ingredients are supported by scientific proof of efficacy.

And we use enhanced delivery technologies that allow these to penetrate the skin more deeply.

Now isn’t that sexy?

Here’s to the happy skin you deserve!

Healthy happy skin with CERM Skin

Image: Production